
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wish you weren't by Sherrie Petersen

Book Synopsis:

Marten doesn't believe in the power of wishes. None of his have ever come true. His parents ignore him, his little brother is a pain, and his family is talking about moving to Texas. Not cool. So when he makes an impulsive wish during a meteor shower, he doesn't expect it to make any difference. Until his annoying brother disappears. With the present uncertain and his brother's future in limbo, Marten finds himself stuck in his past. And if he runs out of time, even wishes might not be enough to save the ones he loves.

Print Length: 151 Pages
Audio Length: 3 Hours 9 Minutes


Wish you weren't was a good story about a preteen boy learning a valuable lesson. It involves time travel, family issues, sibling fights, and wishing on a star. It was a pretty good story, especially for middle grade level. I would definitely recommend for children with siblings as well. Letting children of the mid-grade level either read or listen to this story would be a good way to teach them a lesson of appreciating what they have. Especially in this day and age, the younger generation pretty much expects everything to be "their" way. I think that this is something that every person from about 7 and up needs to hear, no matter the format. The narrator did a pretty good job, the only thing was that sometimes he didn't have much feeling in his voice. Over all it was a good story that I definitely would listen to/read again. I give this book 4 STARS!!

*I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review*

Author Bio From Amazon:

SHERRIE PETERSEN still believes in magic and she loves to write (and read!) stories that take her on fantastic adventures. In addition to writing middle grade novels, she moonlights as a graphic designer, substitute teacher, freelance writer, school newspaper advisor, yearbook advisor and mother of two children. She spends her free time watching movies, driving kids around and baking cookies. Or eating them.

Amazon Link
GoodReads Link
Audible Link

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